Monday, December 31, 2012

My 2012 Year In Review

My year began with me continuing my quest to obtain Republic Online (online banking) which I acquired on February 1st. I attended the first Miss Trinidad and Tobago Differently-Abled Queen Show on April 29th which I really enjoyed. I gave updates on Trinidad and Tobago’s Paralympic Games athletes via my Equal Treatment for Differently Abled People’s fan page which began on August 29th and ended on September 9th. My Equal Treatment for Differently Abled People’s Facebook fan page crossed two thousand (2000) fans on August 18th, three thousand (3000) fans on October 28th and four thousand (4000) fans on December 3rd (International Day of Persons with Disabilities.) God blessed me with a great 2012 and I know he will bless me with a great 2013.

Monday, October 1, 2012

My 2012 - 2013 Budget Response

The $200 increase in the disability grant to $1500 is great but I would have liked to have heard something more, such as the provision of jobs. Our goal is supposed to be to have less people receiving the disability grant and more differently abled people holding down jobs.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Consult Us

I often hear persons in authority who are abled bodied discussing matters which concern differently abled people. Very few people who can walk properly would realise that there are two or three stairs at the entrance of a building or that the height of the sidewalks makes life difficult for wheelchair users. You would not ask a carpenter what an electrician requires. Therefore, the authorities need to ask us what we require to live our lives a little easier.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

A Step In The Right Direction

I had the pleasure of attending the first Miss Trinidad and Tobago Differently-Abled Queen Show last Sunday. When I found out about this queen show a few months ago, my first thought was "FINALLY" because I think that differently-abled people need to show abled bodied people that we can do what they do, just differently.
On the left of me is my good friend and the organiser of the show, Beverly Jackson and on the right of me is Beverly Jackson's daughter, Annaly Maule who is another organiser. Annaly is a good friend of mine as well.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

A Typical Day In My Life

I am sure that you have wondered "what does Tyron Bishop do on a daily basis." Well, my day begins with me sliding off my bed onto a mattress where I get on my Nokia C3(yes I use a qwerty keyboard). I then check my Facebook messages and update my Equal Treatment For Differently Abled People fan page's status then I move across to my mother's room where I listen to radio talk shows throughout the day while I surf the web and chat with my Facebook friends until I am ready to log off and start looking at television. I write and save my status update for the next day on my phone. I return to my room. I continue looking at television. I check my Facebook messages from time to time until I am ready to go to bed.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

The End Of An Exceedingly Long Story

In one of my previous posts I told you what happened last September when I applied for Republic Online (online banking). Yesterday, after months of waiting for something which usually takes days... I got an e-mail from Republic Bank notifying me that my Republic Online has been activated and for this, I am thankful but I cannot help wondering how long it would have taken if I were not a persistent person.