Thursday, February 13, 2020

Bad Road

I live in the Chatham community which is part of the electoral district of Point Fortin and our Member of Parliament is The Honorable Major General (Retired) Edmund Dillon. Now, I think that Chatham should be renamed to a name which fits its present condition, something like Pot Hole Lane, Damage Your Car Avenue or Ignored by the Member of Parliament Drive because the road from Chatham to Point Fortin is like a driving test except if you fail this test, you will find yourself spending hundreds to thousands of dollars replacing tyres and other car parts. Yesterday, my mother had to change a tyre after going into a pot hole. I would love to know why did my mother who is in her 70s had to spend hundreds of dollars out of her pension to replace a tyre. A word of advice to all political parties, you do not have many die-hard voters anymore. It is work for your seat time.