Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Just Saying Thanks

I started blogging about two months ago and I love it. I've been getting a lot of support from my friends and family members. so I just want to say thanks to all of the people that are supporting me. Love you

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Jobs For The Differently Abled

Getting a job in Trinidad and Tobago is difficult for able bodied people and it's even more difficult for those with disabilities. Imagine that you can't get a job in a Government building because it's not wheelchair accessible. Think about this, you have your dream job and you get into an accident and you're able to do everything that you want to do in a wheelchair but you're out of a job because the building where you worked is not wheelchair accessible.

Friday, March 19, 2010


In Trinidad and Tobago if you want to go hang out with friends, you have to search for a building that happens to be on the ground floor. Why doesn't the government make it against the law for public buildings not to be wheelchair accessible? Maybe it's because they would have to shut down their own buildings!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

My Achievements

One year ago if someone had told me that I would have been surfing the web on my own laptop I would have laughed and asked if they were mad but now I'm actually setting up my own website! Last week I got a new laptop, set it up with some help from my mom to get it out of the box and I was up and on the web within an hour. So I've been busy doing big things. Look out world because I'm coming!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Just A Friend

Can someone please tell me if there's a sign on some part of my body or at the back of my wheelchair that says I can just be your friend? Because I think that there is. 97 percent of my friends are ladies and I'm single........... I thought that the reason for this was the fact that I don't have money, well that was until I started seeing girls with guys that don't have jobs.......... I even heard a mother say that she wouldn't let her daughter be with a differently abled guy. Educate yourself people or just follow my blog....