Tuesday, September 21, 2010

My Budget Response

As I said in one of my previous posts, if you are silent for too long in Trinidad and Tobago people tend to forget and neglect you. On the 8th of September the Government of Trinidad and Tobago announced its 2010 - 2011 National Budget and not one word was mentioned about the differently abled community. I read the budget yesterday and I did not even see the words disabled, differently abled or handicapped. I think that the National Budget should have been called the National Budget for able bodied people because it surely was not a National Budget for differently abled people.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Bad Service At Piarco

When I returned to Trinidad on Saturday night I thought that I would have gotten the great service that I got when I was leaving Trinidad but boy was I wrong... The wheelchair attendant had a bad attitude, the airport had a wheelchair attendant shortage, therefore, the wheelchair attendant left my mother and I to fend for ourselves for approximately seven to ten minutes, therefore, my mother had to push my wheelchair a little way but the wheelchair attendant did come back and push my wheelchair until we exited the airport.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

How Hard Can It Be?

I am still in the United States and I have been going to malls, etc. All the public buildings that I have been to so far have been wheelchair accessible. I went to my brother's wedding at a church and even the church where the wedding was held was wheelchair accessible, even the bath rooms at the church were wheelchair accessible. How hard can making public buildings wheelchair accessible in little Trinidad and Tobago be?

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

More Than Equal Treatmennt

My mother, my aunt and I are on vacation in the United States and I had someone to push my wheelchair from the time we entered Piarco International Airport then they took me to my seat on the plane. When we landed in Miami International Airport they took me off the plane then I had someone to push me through the entire airport until it was time for us to board our flight to Washington. Think about that, then think about how wheelchair users can't even get into some public buildings in Trinidad and Tobago.